Saturday, June 24, 2017

Olly Olly Aux in Bloom

In keeping with my husband's request to keep more detailed information on the bloom period of our various vines, we saw our Auxerrois beginning to bloom on June 22. The beginning of bloom for our Chardonnay was a week earlier on June 16th.
We only have 40 Auxerrois vines that survived from our initially planting in 2013, so these vines are now 4 years old. Interestingly, many of the shoots have 3 sets of inflorescences.
Meanwhile, the Auxerrois that we planted this year were budding out en masse. (My use of the term en masse is to suggest the visual that there was a mass of growth around the graft union.) Even these small vines had little infloresences on them, which we removed. We knocked down the shoots that were growing from unproductive areas around the graft union to allow for air flow and hopefully to concentrate the energy of growth into the remaining shoots. Here is what I mean:
As I approached the end of the row that I was working on, I got a view of our Auxerrois that shows the difference between the plants we planted this year and the plants we planted in 2016.
The Auxerrois seem like very vigorous growers.

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