Thursday, July 11, 2024

Winery Signs Went Up!

We are getting one small step closer to opening up our "winery" for sales. We enlisted the help of Jeff and Carolyn from Coastal Graphics in Rhode Island to help us put signs on our door and a sign on our awning.
Before that, my husband worked with Kimberly from Krushgraphics Design Studio to finetune our label which is a view of the Mystic River and Long Island Sound from our vineyard on Quoketaug Hill. It was Kimberly's advice that our logo should be consistent with our label. Since growing grapes and making wine is our passion and "we" are from Hawaii, we wanted to incorporate the passionfruit into our logo. The logo is a stylized version of a passion vine with a flower and a fruit. It is replicated to look like a Hawaiian quilt design. This logo, our wine label and font styles will be our brand.
So, yesterday, while in the sweltering heat, we got a call from Jeff saying that he could put up our signs! I welcomed the call since I was ready to call it quits in the vineyard. We went to our winery space at Taugwonk and met Jeff and his wife Carolyn. They came prepared with window cleaner and all the accoutrements to put up our door sign. Jeff is a perfectionist and measured the sign and placement many times before he was satisfied that everything was at the same height and straight. Here is what our door sign looks like:
Next, Jeff and Carolyn went to the back of the building and put up the sign on the soffit. Once again, Jeff and Carolyn were critical of the placement, ensuring that it was well centered.
We really like how the signs turned out! A huge shoutout and thank you to Jeff and Carolyn Miner at Coastal Graphics and Kimberly Rushforth at Krushgraphics Design Studio!

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