Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Foods that Pair Well with Chenin Blanc

This evening, our son sent this photo of huli-huli chicken (Hawaiian style grilled chicken) sliders he made and paired it with our 2019 Chenin Blanc! He said that the pairing worked well. While I would not have thought that huli-huli chicken sliders would pair with Chenin Blanc, this played right into my blog for foods that pair with Chenin Blanc.
My reference is the article from Vinerra which I blogged about in Sensory Essence of Chenin Blanc Wines. Chenin Blanc can be made in a wide variety of styles so pairing Chenin Blanc is really about what kind of Chenin Blanc you have. Vinerra suggests the following pairings:1
A more in depth pairing with the type of Chenin Blanc style:
Style Pairing
Sparkling Chenin Blanc
  • Dry Chenin Blanc Styles: Ideal with fried and fatty foods due to its high acidity and effervescence. Examples include fried chicken, pork belly, and French fries
  • Demi-Sec/Sweet Styles: Perfectly complements spicy dishes, balancing the heat with its sweetness. Pair with Thai green curry, chicken vindaloo, or spicy Mexican food. It also goes well with sweet and sour dishes like sweet and sour pork and desserts such as chocolate-covered strawberries and cheesecake.
Young and Fruity Chenin Blanc This style is vibrant and matches well with:
  • Delicate seafood like oysters and crab
  • Light fish dishes
  • Vegetarian soups and ceviche
  • Cheese boards featuring goat cheese and Gruyère
  • Sushi and smoked salmon.
Rich and Full-Bodied Chenin Blanc Aged in oak, this style pairs with heartier dishes:
  • Meaty dishes like pork chops or roast pork with sweet sauces
  • Poultry, particularly well with Thanksgiving turkey
  • Grilled seafood or chicken with buttery or creamy sauces
  • Rich cheeses such as Brie, Camembert, Gruyère, and Comté.
Semi-Sweet Chenin Blanc With its residual sugar and aromatic profile, it complements:
  • Southeast Asian cuisine, including spicy woks and curries
  • Sweet and sour dishes like pad Thai
  • Mexican cuisine
  • Strong cheeses such as Taleggio, Munster, and Raclette​.
Vegan Pairings Chenin Blanc's versatility extends to vegan dishes, with the young and fruity style pairing well with:
  • Vegan sushi and ceviche
  • Light salads and summer vegetables
  • Grilled vegetable dishes and avocado toast
What I learned from reading the Vinerra article was that Chenin Blanc is a very versatile wine! While I was aware that Chenin Blanc is a very good pairing with oysters, who knew that it would pair with poultry!
1. Vinerra, Chenin Blanc: an In-Depth Wine Profile

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