Monday, February 24, 2020

Vintage 2020: Still Winter But a Nice Warm One

Okay, I'm going to jinx it but we have been having a very mild winter so far. This has allowed us to work in the vineyard to get a jump start on the pruning we have to do. Our first task, learning from last year is to free the vines from the trellis wires by cutting off all of the tendrils that have wound its way on the wires.
Today, the temperatures reached a balmy 50 degrees and our friends came to lend us a hand. It was great that our friends came because she is a trained veterinarian and we had a skeleton for her to identify. The head was the most prominent feature that was left and there was a bit of fur so the identification was difficult to say the least. She did think that it was a young whatever because of the bone and teeth remains.
That was the excitement in the morning. Since our friends came to help us, we were able to go home for lunch and come back to do a second shift! This is the earliest in the year that we were able to do a double shift. We are trying to get ourselves fit for the season to come.

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