Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Vintage 2019: June Update

This spring has been incredible for grape vine growth. We are still in the midst of shoot thinning and awaiting bloom. The temperature has been quite moderate, in the mid 70's and Mother Nature has blessed us with rains in the evening that usually end at dawn. How nice is that! Consequently, one of our vines, Chardonnay clone 76 has already reached the top trellis wire. That is simply amazing! We have never seen that kind of accelerated growth before bloom.
This is really good because for next year's canes, the spacing between the nodes will be just right. We couldn't have asked for better weather. Today is yet another rain day with clearing in the afternoon, so we can address the second law of thermodynamics occuring in our home environment.
My friend said to me one day as we were exercising, "You must really LOVE working in the vineyard because it takes LOVE to do what you are doing." I agreed with her. Not all the things that my husband and I do in the vineyard is work(LOVE). One afternoon after mowing, my husband had to get a tool from home (long story), and I was left in the vineyard with my camera. Earlier, he mentioned that there was a baby bird under his tractor and the mommy and daddy birds were creating a distraction in order for the baby bird to escape from my husband. He was able to get a few shots with his feeble iPhone.
While I was waiting for my husband to return, I took these photos, with a better camera, but I am a feeble photographer. We think that it is a yellow warbler.
It is unexpected interactions like these that we love and wouldn't have if we were not working in the vineyard. We hope that along with our grape vines, we are providing a habitat for all kinds of wild life.

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