Thursday, July 18, 2013


We knew that they would arrive in the summer because we saw them coming last year. I'm talking about the infestation of Japanese beetles, Oriental beetles and other beetles that we found in our vineyard. They showed up around June 25th and reached a crescendo around July 10th. At first, we were squashing them by hand and then we remembered from our Master Gardening training that we could use soapy water to create a film that covers their spiracles, their breathing apparatus located on their exoskeleton. Once we tried this approach, we were successful in getting more beetles when we went on our bug patrol. They were still devastating to our leaves, but we are of the opinion that whatever doesn't kill the vines makes them stronger. Here is a lineup of the culprits:
The scientific names for the beetles are:
Oriental beetle, Anomala orientalis
Possibly: Black June bug, Diplotaxis
June Green beetle, Cotinus nitida
Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica
Grapevine beetle, Pelidnota punctata

1. Grubs That Turn Into Beetles,
2. Insects That Attack Grape Foliage
3. Common White Grubs of Northeast Ohio Nurseries

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