Tuesday, October 29, 2019

2019 Cabernet Franc Harvest

Our friends were game to come and help us with the harvesting of a small (large for us) amount of Cabernet Franc on Saturday, October 26. This decision was made largely because we saw that on Sunday, there would be a rain event that would bring between 1-3 inches of rain to our region.
So, we decided to harvest at 1:30 p.m. It turned out to be a beautiful afternoon. Our friends, Bob and Betsy who always exceed expectations came early to help us with the netting and when 1:30 came around, we began harvesting the two rows of Cabernet Franc. With 10 people, the harvest was accomplished in 45 minutes!
The harvest which was accommodated in 29 lugs was stored in our container until Monday. On Monday morning, my husband and I put the stored fruit into the half ton bin and hauled it to Jonathan Edwards Winery.
Once at the winery, Michael and Alex took over and the Cabernet Franc in the bin was weighed. Subtracting the weight of the half ton bin, we came up with 377 pounds of grapes. The next thing was to get the grapes into the destemmer/crusher. The rollers in the crusher was set so that the destemmed berries would be gently crushed.
Once again, we thank all of our friends who came to help us harvest and Michael and Alex for their help at the winery!

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