
Saturday, September 3, 2022

Vintage 2022: It's September

It is already September! We have been busy in the vineyard unfurling our nets as fast a humanly possible. During the month of August, we worked for 28 out of the 31 days, taking a break on August 7, August 16 and August 17. On August 16 and 17, we had rain. Our local news said that we had 13 days of over 90 degree temperatures in August!
Since we made a huge push in August to get our netting on the ripening grapes, we are on the last third of the vineyard, working in the Chenin Blanc, leaf pulling and unfurling the netting. Here is a photo showing the trail of leaves in the Chenin Blanc.
Leaf pulling is like exposing hidden treasures, in this case, our Chenin Blanc, clone FPS-1. We have two clones planted in our vineyard, 982 and FPS-1. We noticed that the FPS-1 has a looser cluster.
We also had timely help from our friends who want to see us get to the finish line. Today is another day of leaf pulling, shoot tucking and unfurling the netting. It will truly be a labor day weekend.

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