
Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Labor Day Activities

We had help from our daughter and her family during Labor Day and they put us in a really good place. On Sunday, our family helped us clothes pin the nets on 9 rows of Chenin Blanc, that is the equivalent to one-fourth of our entire vineyard, in one day! That is so amazing!
On Monday, the weather forecast was for rain, but the rains held off and our family helped us to gather a sample of grapes from the Auxerrois, Chenin Blanc and Chardonnay so that the first test of the season could be done.
Here are the Brix, pH and titratable acids for the white varieties so far:
Variety Brix pH TA
Auxerrois 18 2.91 13 g/L
Chenin Blanc 17 2.65 14.7 g/L
Chardonnay 19.2 2.86 12.1 g/L

Here is a comparison to previous year' numbers at harvest:
Variety Harvest Date Brix pH TA
September 23, 2019 19.6 3.23 7.35 g/L
September 17, 2020 19.0 3.07 7.5 g/L
September 28, 2021 18.0 3.25 7.5 g/L
Chenin Blanc
October 14, 2019 21.6 3.15 13.5 g/L
October 11, 2020 23.3 3.09 12.1 g/L
October 17-18, 2021 20.4 3.17 14.6 g/L
September 28, 2019 21.5 3.17 9.4 g/L
September 24, 2020 23.5 3.0 10.0 g/L
October 3, 2021 20.4 3.28 8.2 g/L
It's interesting to look at the Brix, pH and titratable acids and speculate that we could have more sugar accumulation before our pH and titratable acids are at a reasonable number. Since we are still in early September, harvest for the Auxerrois and the Chardonnay might be earlier this year.

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