
Sunday, August 28, 2022

Vineyard Nursery

On July 17, while working in the Chardonnay, my husband came across this well camouflaged bird's nest and took photos of it. I thought that it was a beautiful nest, so tightly constructed but it had nothing in it.
We forgot about the bird's nest until we found ourselves working in the Chardonnay again and came across the nest. This time when we took photos, this is what we saw:
In the photo above, the one on the left was taken on August 18 and the one on the right was taken on August 19. When we initially saw the birds on August 18th, we were unsure weather the birds were newly hatched or if the heat wave that we have been having was affecting them. We were relieved on the following day, when we saw an opened beak waiting to be fed! Phew!
At that time, we didn't know what kind of baby birds they were but we had a hunch that they were goldfinch because we had what appeared to be a goldfinch nest in the vineyard last year.
We soon found out:
Those photos were taken on August 26, so within a span on 8 days, the newly hatched birds could indeed be identified as goldfinch! We absolutely love that these birds have made our vineyard their nursery.

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