
Sunday, September 18, 2022

Milestone in the Vineyard

This past week, we achieved a milestone in the vineyard. We were able to net all 36 rows of our grapes before harvest! You have no idea what a feat this is. Here is a panoramic view of the vineyard.
What we have come to realize is that if we were able to get the netting on the grapes sooner, we would not have to contend with the raccoons, turkeys, deer and birds that see the ripening grapes as part of their diet.
We want to thank all our friends who came to help us throughout this season from pruning in the spring to now: HH, LA, RH, MS, BH, MG and her friend A. We also want to thank our family for providing needed help at the right time to achieve this first time event: JS, ST, MT, DT, MT, AS, and WS.
Next up, harvest!

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