
Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Some Statistics on our Varieties

We have been monitoring our varieties to see what the sugar content, pH and titratable acids are. Here is the information for our first pass:
Variety Sample Date Brix pH TA
Auxerrois September 15 19 3.02 12.2 g/L
Chenin Blanc 982 September 16 18.8 2.82 13.80 g/L
Chenin Blanc FPS-1 September 16 18 2.79 10.3 g/L
Chardonnay September 15 20.6 2.88 12.1 g/L
Cabernet Sauvignon September 16 18 2.80 12.8 g/L
Cabernet Franc September 16 18.6 2.85 12.3 g/L
Barbera September 18 18.6 2.64 17.2 g/L
This is kind of typical of what we see in our vineyard. We often see a low pH and high titratable acid (TA) levels even when we harvest. We are looking for a balance between the Brix, pH and to determine harvest time. Of course, Mother Nature also has a huge say in this.

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