
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Trench Digging for Our Irrigation System

Even though our small crop of Chenin Blanc has now been harvested and is on it's way to becoming our first wine, we are still working in the vineyard. We are trenching so that we can put in our irrigation pipes and system. My husband thought that he could use a ditch witch that he rented from Home Depot and be done with the trench in one day. He ran into so many rocks that it took him 3 hours to dig a trench that was only 20 feet long and we need 256 feet of trench. Okay---plan B. He used his backhoe and although the trench is a little wider than we would like it to be, it is deep enough and the rocks are no problem for the backhoe. It still is taking more than 1 day, but the weather has been cooperating with temperatures in the low 70's!
Last year at this time, we were pounding endposts. The work never stops!
With the good weather continuing, we were able to spend 4 hours on Thursday, November 6, 2 hours on Saturday, November 7, and one hour on Sunday, November 9th to finish digging the trench that will hold one configuration of pipes for the irrigation system.

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