
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Dropped Acid---Tartaric, That Is

Last night, we opened up the keg that our wine is in and took a 40 mL sample so that we could run the pH, titratable acids (TA) and sulfur dioxide tests as well as a sensory test. We ran the pH test first because it only uses 5 mL of wine. Then filled the "beaker" containing the 5 mL of wine with 15 mL of distilled water and ran the TA test. We then ran our sulfur dioxide test and got those results. This test uses 25 mL of wine, leaving us approximately 10 mL to conduct our sensory exam.
The results of the test using our Vinmetrica SC-300 are:
  • pH = 3.07
  • TA = 10.1
  • SO2 = 17 ppm
When we compared these results with the readings that we took on October 23, we were delighted to learn that we are accomplishing our goal of dropping out tartaric acid by cold stabilization.
Our sensory exam confirmed that the acids are less searing than our first taste test and there is a definite floral nose developing in the wine. It is difficult to tell in the above photo that focussed on the Kimwipe box, that the wine is also become a bit clearer. We are pondering our next steps.

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