
Monday, November 9, 2015

1964 Chateau Giscours

Our friends will be going to their southern hemisphere trip to New Zealand in a few days so our mutual friends decided that we should celebrate an American Thanksgiving before they left. It was an excellent idea. We began our repast with Veuve Cliquot and Gruet Champagnes with acorn squash and beet appetizers. Our next course was a chantrelle soup that my husband made following a few suggestions that he got from his wine forum.
The conversation when we were having our appetizers was about the 1964 Chateau Giscours that we were about to try. Our friend told us that it would be a miracle if the wine tasted any good because the wine had been through 2 fires and had been placed next to a chimney while the home was being rebuilt. Also, just before bringing this bottle, our friend had opened two others and tasted it and they had turned to vinegar. Looking at the ullage level, which was at the shoulders, we had to agree that the wine may be past drinkable. But, miracle of miracles, when the bottle was opened, the wine, was indeed drinkable and as we sat down to have turkey, stuffing, green beans, and baked potato, the wine opened up, revealing it's fruitiness and mellowness. Wow! We enjoyed this outstanding meal and wine, with our friends whom we will not see for the next two and a half months. Bon Voyage!

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