
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Details of Our Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc Fermentation

In the previous blogpost, Vintage 2023: Harvesting Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Barbera I wrote up to the point of fermentation.
On Friday, November 3, we began the process of rehydrating and tempering the yeast that we would use for the fermentation. We chose FX10 and began the rehydration at 10:46. In general, we spend 30 minutes at the rehydration stage and then we add the appropriate juice in 10 minute intervals to acclimate the yeast to the environment of the juice. We used 40 grams of FX10 in 400 mL of spring water for the Cabernet Sauvignon because we calculated that we had approximately 30 gallons of juice and used 20 grams of FX10 in 200 mL of spring water for the Cabernet Franc for approximately 23 gallons of juice. After the completion of the rehydration and tempering steps, we inoculated the Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc at approximately 11:50. On Saturday, November 4, when we went to check on the inoculated grapes, the fermenation had begun!

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