
Thursday, July 21, 2022

Vintage 2022: July Heat Wave

Tuesday, July 19 was the start of the first heat wave to hit Connecticut this year. The Chenin Blanc was demanding our presence so we went to the vineyard at 8:00 and worked until noon and then went back at 4:30 and worked until 6:00 pm.
On Wednesday, July 20 we went to the vineyard at 7:30 in the morning and finished shoot tucking in one of the rows of the Chenin Blanc at 10:45 and we were done, physically that is.
The picture on the right is a screenshot of the temperature at 1:22. The temperature was 86 degrees but the feel like temperature was 95 degrees! On that day, it was only a one shift day, no going back in the afternoon.
The weather forecast is calling for this heat wave to last until Sunday, which could be the hottest day, with temperatures perhaps reaching the high 90's and maybe 100 degrees!
It reminds me of the summer of 2020 when we experienced June Heat Waves and July Heat Waves and had a total of 4 heat waves that summer.
Not only is our region experiencing a heat wave, we are in a moderate draught situation. So far, the vines are tolerating the heat and the draught reasonably well. Fortunately, we had a bit of rain (0.8 inches) on Monday that has alleviated the situation a little. We think that finally, the roots of the vines have burrowed deep enough to access enough moisture to sustain them.
One thing we know about the heat waves that we had in 2020, the grapes accumulated the most sugar that we had ever! Perhaps, 2022 will be a repeat.

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