
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Insect Siting in the Vineyard: Albuna pyramidalis

We are working in the Chenin Blanc shoot tucking and I came across this interesting insect. It kind of looked like a yellow jacket, but having many close encounters with yellow jackets, I knew that this was not a yellow jacket so I took out my phone and took a picture. When I zoomed in closely to the insect, I knew that it was a moth because of it's feathery antennae so I looked it up on the Internet.
This is a fireweed clearwing moth, Albuna pyramidalis! It is a member of the Family Sesiidae. Looking at the wings of this moth tells you why it is identified as a clear wing, the antennae is also feathered, letting you know that it is a moth. This fireweed clearwing is exhibiting Batesian mimicry, having evolved to mimic the harmful wasp in an attempt to deter predators.
This is the first fireweed clearwing that we have seen in the vineyard. We love seeing all of the diverse wildlife in our vineyard.
When I was looking up information on this clearwing, I learned that National Moth Week is July 23-31, 2022!
1. Butterflies and Moths of North America, Clearwing Moth, Albuna pyramidalis.

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