
Friday, June 24, 2022

Vintage 2022: June Update Annual Cycle of Growth

We have been busy weeding with our new Fischer Twister, shoot tucking and shoot positioning. On June 15th, we noticed that the Chardonnay had begun to bloom! I thought that was fast, but I checked on my annual cycle of growth chart and found out that we should have been anticipating bloom. Here is the chart for the last 2 years:
The above dates for bloom for the various varieties are approximate. For example, my friend and I were shoot tucking and shoot positioning the Cabernet Sauvignon on Monday, June 20th and did not see any inflorescence in bloom, but the next day on June 21, when I went to check the Cabernet Sauvignon, it was about 40% flowering!
Last year, we had rain events during flowering which we surmise lead to reduced fruit set and berry size. This year, I am keeping closer check on rain events during flowering. So far, this is what has occurred.
Date June 15 June 17 June 18 June 19 June 20 June 21 June 22
Weather Conditions Rain 4 am for 15 minutes Steady rain in am Steady rain in am to 1:30 pm
Auxerrois 20%
Chenin Blanc 30%
Chardonnay 20%
Cabernet Sauvignon 40%
Cabernet Franc 10%
Barbera 30%
At the moment, it is difficult to discern if the rain has affected fruitset. I will keep on monitoring the various varieties to see what happens.

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