
Monday, June 20, 2022

Godot (Fischer Twister) Showed Up

On May 30, I wrote a blog about Waiting for Fischer Twister. Unlike Godot, our Fischer Twister showed on June 15, when Doug from Oesco came with our long awaited new toy. Unfortunately, the adaptor plate that Oesco engineered for us was not quite right. The solution turned out to be for Doug to take our only vineyard tractor back to Oesco to get the adaptor to fit the tractor.
Doug came back with our tractor two days later (June 17) and the adaptor plate custom built to fit our tractor. Not only that, since they had the tractor, they made a few other necessary custom modifications so that our tractor appeared to be made to run the Fischer Twister.
This is our tractor with the Fischer Twister. My husband is testing the controls for the Fischer Twister on the tractor and Doug is verifying what is happening to the twister.
Here is a closeup of the adaptor plate that Oesco made so that the front of the twister can be fixed to our tractor.
Here is the modification that Oesco made to the back of the tractor to accommodate two 12-volt power outlets.
Here is a short movie of the Maiden Voyage of the Fischer Twister.
Here is the vineyard after the Fischer Twister has done it's job beating down the weeds and my husband has mowed it.
To say that we are happy with the Fischer Twister would be an understatement! Thank you to the team at Oesco, Russ, Kate, Russ, Doug and Aaron for making it all happen for us!

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