
Friday, January 14, 2022

Update on Our 2021 Botrytized Chenin Blanc Fermentation

The last harvest in 2021 was our botrytized Chenin Blanc which we harvested on December 15. We inoculated the cold settled must on December 18 and have been monitoring the fermentation ever since.
As soon as we inoculated the must, the fermentation seemed to be going, although it was at an exceedingly slow pace. This slow pace of fermentation continued until it took off on December 23.
We have been monitoring the decline in the Brix.
Date of Observation
Weight Volume
of Juice
Brix pH TA
Botrytized Chenin Blanc-12/16/2021 20 pounds 1 gallon 31.5 3.52 14.2 g/L
December 23, 2021 30
December 30, 2021 25
January 6, 2022 21
January 14, 2022 19
The fermentation appears to be slowing a little and the Brix has been going down slowly, but steadily. After taking the reading today, I sampled a mere drop of the precious liquid and it tasted to me like poached pears!

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