
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Vintage 2021: June Heat Wave

We have had our first heat wave for this year. It began on June 5, Saturday and lasted until yesterday, Wednesday, June 9. In looking through my previous blogs that I have written about heat waves, this recent heat wave appears to be the earliest we have had since we planted our vineyard.
What is unusual about this heat is that just a week ago, on Memorial Day weekend, the high temperature was 49o F and we had almost a month's worth of rain in 2 days. What does that do to vines? Here is an example of the Chardonnay canopy:
Variety Photo
May 28 Chardonnay
June 8 Chardonnay
On June 3, I published a blog called Waiting for Flowering where I showed pictures of where our varieties were in terms of their inflorescence development. Just 10 days later, this is what the inflorescence looks like now:
Today, the heat wave broke and the humidity is much lower so it is a good day to work in the vineyard. We have much to do!

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