
Friday, June 11, 2021

Modified Eicchorn-Lorenz: Flowering

Yesterday, my husband was mowing the vineyard in the area where the Chardonnay is planted. I was working in the Chenin Blanc doing shoot tucking and shoot positioning duties. My husband came to where I was and told me that the Chardonnay in the north end of of our vineyard was beginning to bloom! That sounded really early to me but when we went there, sure enough, the Chardonnay are beginning to flower.
This brings us to the second stage of the Modified Eicchorn-Lorenz phenology which is flowering.
The tasks associated with flowering include:1
Phenological Stage Vineyard Task
Flowering •Sample leaf tissue for nutrient analysis and start to introduce systemic fungicides into their spray programs
Greatest window of disease susceptibility is from the period beginning two weeks before bloom and extending four weeks past fruit set
•During this time, use the best products and canopy-management practices for preventing fungal diseases on the fruit and the canopy
Here is the progression of flowering in the Chardonnay:
It's time to update the annual cycle of growth chart for our various varieties as they enter critical stages and keep better track of the dates.
1. Fritz Westover, Grapevine Phenology Revisited, Wines&Vines, March 2018.

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