
Saturday, February 13, 2016

Vintage Notes 2016

This will be the second year that I am taking vintage notes, which I compiled under the tab labelled Vintage Notes. I began in March 2015 to document what I called Vintage Notes 2015, giving a recap of the winter weather that we were experiencing. For this winter, 2016 vintage notes, we had been having a mild winter with temperatures that dipped into the teens only on January 4th and 5th. We were able to work outdoors during the first week in February, when temperatures soared into the high 40's. Even the ground hog, who did not see his shadow, concurred that the winter will be shorter this year. Ha ha ha, weather persons and ground hogs aside, Mother Nature still rules and on February 5th, it snowed for the entire day. This past week, it snowed off and on and although there was sunshine in the afternoon that kept the accumulation relatively minimal, we are now due for some exceedingly cold temperatures here in the Northeast. They (minus ground hog) are predicting that temperatures with the windchill, will approach -32 degrees F! We went to the vineyard yesterday to start the tractors. Here is a photo of the vineyard with snow accumulations around 5 inches but with drifts of up to a foot in some areas.

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