
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Stainless Steel Growler

Our friends have returned home from an 11 week trip to New Zealand and Tasmania by way of Hawaii. We are the recipients of some pretty cool gifts including this stainless steel growler from Mehana Beer Brewery in Hilo, Hawaii.
We discussed how this growler could be used in the winery for repeat customers who would like to get their wine on tap. The stainless steel growler can contain 64 fluid ounces (2 liter) volume and the stainless steel construction can keep cold liquids cold. This is a far departure from using the typical wine bottles, but I found some information on line that might be good for the wine consumer as well as the wine producer:
"Wineries report that their wines on tap can go for 20-30% less than what they would charge for the same wines in bottles. It stands to reason: If they’re selling their wines in pressurized stainless steel kegs, they’re saving oodles of money by not having a bottling line, labels, corks and so forth, not to mention the astronomical power demands of a bottling operation. Beer breweries that forego bottling operations are enjoying similar savings.
Now for the part that everybody likes: Growlers are good for the environment. If you use and reuse (after thoroughly washing) just one container for your favorite beverages, think how many cans and bottles you are avoiding having to discard or recycle."
French winery co-ops have been selling wine on tap forever, so it might be something for us to consider, but for right now, it's a pretty neat gift from our friends and we'll be making use of it to hold our ice-cold water when we work in the vineyard.
1. Living on the Cheap, For cheaper beer and wine, bring a growler. A what?, July 14, 2014, Posted by Susan Hauser.

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