
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Birds: Director's Cut

We were in our vineyard early this morning, working on our irrigation project due for inspection tomorrow. It was a beautiful day in the Northeast and we were hearing all kinds of birds in the distance. First, it was loud honking geese and then a sky full of starlings. They landed on the trees in our forest on the east side of the vineyard and we could see them all in the trees. My husband tried to scare them so that we could see them in flight like we did before they settled in the trees, but the noise he made only made them retreat further into the forest.
We didn't have to wait too long for something to scare them towards where we were working and we got this amazing little footage.
Update: It turns out that my husband learned from his forum that a massive flock of starlings is called a murmuration. There is a very interesting article and video on Wired called The Startling Science of a Starling Murmuration. I'm not sure why someone chose "murmuration" to describe a large flock of starlings because the sound they made was nothing like a murmur.

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