
Friday, August 14, 2015

Sake and Sushi II

A while back, I posted a blog on Sake and Sushi in Hawaii.
In Connecticut, when we are in the mood for the best sushi (nigiri), we always go to Go Fish Restaurant in the Old Mystic Village, next to the Aquarium. On this evening, just as we were entering the establishment, our friends, whom we had just had dinner with and sampled the Trio of Tempranillo along with Spanish chicken, were just leaving! What a coincidence. They had also gone to the sushi bar and recommended the Tokyo Nachos.
When we got to the sushi bar, Gene and Go were there, and we were hoping to see Bryan and Jerry. My husband wore the Sansei t-shirt that I brought for him from Hawaii, and we wanted to let Jerry know that I went to Sansei while I was there. Jerry was not there and Bryan was in command this evening. We settled in with our usual nigiri (maguro, hamachi, fluke, unagi and tako) starter. Bryan made for us an ume and shiso maki that paired excellently with the sake we were drinking. Then we asked Bryan to make us a "Bryan special". We always ask Jerry to make us a "Jerry special", and the specials never disappoint. While we were having our nigiri, we saw Bryan busy making something in a martini glass. When he was a third of the way through, we asked him what he was making, and he said, this was the Bryan seafood martini special. Wow! This is what it looked like:
There was 2 of everything: shrimp, tako in miso, crab, salmon, hamachi, asparagus, and mango all on a bed of shredded daikon! It was as delicious as it was beautiful. If you are in Mystic, the Go Fish sushi bar is the place to go to assuage your sushi craving. And, if you are adventurous, tell your sushi maker, "Omakase!" which means "I'll leave it up to you". Their creations might just surprise you and send your tastebuds straight to the culinary moon!

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