
Friday, June 12, 2015

Annual Cycle of Grapevine Growth in Our Vineyard: Fill in the Blanks

I am reading an online article called Grapevine Structure and Function written by Ed Hellman. In this article, Hellman gives a timeline of the annual cycle of grapevine growth as it relates to sites in Oregon.
It is a nice guide, but I thought that I would try to figure this timeline out for our vineyard. We now have two data points for when budswell occurs in our vineyard: In 2014 budswell occurred around May 10th and in 2015 budswell occurred on May 8th, followed by budbreak a week or so later. Therefore, in general, during the second week in May is when we should be seeing our dormant buds come out of its winter hibernation. I started to fill out Hellman's Annual Cycle of Grapevine Growth timeline like this:
This year, we do have blossoms on our grapevines and I have been monitoring their growth. So far, I haven't seen any of the blossoms bloom, but according to Hellman's article, bloom usually occurs 50-80 days after budburst in Oregon. Here is how our blossoms have been developing since we first saw their appearance on May 18th.
I'm going to continue to fill in the blanks for Hellman's Annual Cycle of Grapevine Growth as it pertains to our vineyard and update this blog. I'm looking forward to bloom!

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