
Thursday, September 4, 2014


Last week, Tony and his crew came to set up the well drilling equipment at the location where his dowsing stick pointed to a promising site. The first day, they went down to around 400 feet and found no water, but they did find pink granite, a sign that Tony said indicated that there might be water. The next day, they went down to 720 feet and there was some water, may be a gallon a minute. Since there was a change in rock from pink granite to quartz, there was hope that there would be water. We needed to wait over the Labor Day weekend to see if our well would produce the necessary flow to irrigate the vineyard. Well, it did not. After going down to 840 feet, we have 3.5 gallons per minute, good enough to supply a home with water, but not good enough to supply thirsty vines with water. We will try again. Yesterday, Tony and my husband independently dowsed and came up with the same location. In fact, at one area, the dowsing stick hit my husband's leg, Tony said that anytime the dowsing stick spanks you, it is a good sign. Once again, I tried my hand at dowsing and nothing! Tony left the dowsing stick with us and I promised to practice. Tony said, there is no practicing with dowsing, you either have it or you don't! Sigh...and I am such a believer.

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