
Friday, September 5, 2014

Well! It's a Gusher

My husband thinks that drilling for a well is like going to the casino and hoping you hit the jack pot, all the while knowing that the house (Mother Nature) always wins. The saga of finding a well capable of delivering what we need to irrigate our vineyard came to a happy conclusion today. Yesterday, Tony and DJ set up the drilling equipment in the spot where both Tony and my husband independently, located using a dowsing stick.
This time, it was night and day difference from the previous drilling. They found water after drilling for less than 100 feet with an output of about 8 gallons per minute. That was good news and when we left yesterday, to run a few errands, they were at 11 gallons per minute in pink granite. Still 11 gallons per minute is not enough for vineyard irrigation so we were concerned, but when we returned to the land around 4:15 p.m., we were just in time to watch Tony, DJ and Rob run the test. They created a dam so that all the water would flow one way and then put a short PVC pipe that would funnel water into a 1 gallon can. DJ was the timer and Rob was telling me how they calculated how much water we were getting. The average of 3 tests showed that the output was anywhere from 20-30 gallons a minute at less than 500 feet!
Today, DJ and Tony's son Nicholas were continuing the drilling. We were working on our land and then went off for lunch. When we returned, DJ mentioned that we were now getting between 40-45 gallons of water per minute at approximately 620 feet. In fact, DJ and Nicholas were waiting for us to return so that we could shoot the video of our gusher! Here it is:
In my eyes, just as beautiful as Old Faithful!

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