
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Web Soil Survey

Today, I went to the online Web Soil Survey, a site provided by the NCRS (National Conservation Resources Service) to map out what kind of soils we have on the portion of the land that we will do our first plantings on in the spring of 2013. We have already had our soils tested so we do have information on the soil texture and type, but today, I wanted to see if we have more than one type of soils on the property. The Web Soil Survey showed that we have predominantly Paxton Montauk fine sandy loam soils. We will be planting from north to south and this survey will help us to determine the layout of our vines.
The Web Soil Survey is an easy tool that can be used to determine what kind of soils you might have in your location. The instructions that are provided are intuitive and you can get an idea of your soil type in a matter of minutes.

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