
Monday, May 6, 2024

1999 Volnay Premier Cru Arnaud Ente

On Sunday, we gave ourselves the day off. Originally rain was in the forecast but then the forecast changed to rain in the evening, but we stuck to our original plan of a day off. We spent the day cooking instead. We invited our friends, Mary and Barry for dinner. We began our dinner with small bites of prosciutto wrapped cantaloupe with balsamic glaze and a Paul Bara Champange.
My husband made a marinated pork loin with potatoes and Vidalia onion for the main course. We paired it with this 1999 Arnaud Ente Volnay Premier Cru Santenots Du Milieu. The wine is 25 years old now and is still tasting youthful. It exhibited a beautiful floral aroma and tasted of red berry fruit. My husband noticed spice on the palate. It had a silky smooth finish. We were all remarking how this wine has withstood the test of time. We followed the main course with a delicious salad that Mary made in situ. Dessert was French Silk pie.

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