
Monday, April 8, 2024

Here is Our Label

It has taken a while to get the final approvals for our label but with the help of our graphic artists (Michelle and Kimberly) and Susan at Jonathan Edwards, we were able to get the necessary approvals from the Federal and State governments. We are also working with a wonderful team at Niagara Labels who printed our labels. Who knew that the label approval, the final step in all of the approval procesess we have been through, would take this long.
This is our label:
Many of our friends who have seen our label are unsure what they are looking at. My husband designed this from Google Earth. Our vineyard is located on Quoketaug Hill at the head of the Mystic River and the view is toward Long Island.
Our name is a nod to our time in Hawaii. Passionfruit is found in Hawaii and is called "Lilikoi" in Hawaiian. We have chosen to give Hawaiian names to our various wines. This example is our Chenin Blanc and Wai Pua means "natural honey from flowers".


  1. Congratulations! I often wondered where Passionfruit Estate came from.

  2. Hi Curt! Hope all is going well with you!
