
Friday, April 26, 2024

2021 Campass Barbera and Lasagne

On the days that we have rain, we have been managing to do a little cooking. Last Saturday, it rained all day so it was a perfect day to try a recipe that my mother in Hawaii has been raving about. It is my daughter's recipe for eggplant lasagna. We chose this Barbera to accompany the lasagna. For anything that has tomato sauce like pizza and spaghetti, Barbera is the perfect pairing. My husband claims that we have had this Campass Barbera before but sadly, I do not recall. It was inky purple in the glass and had flavors of black cherries.
Barbera is one of those wines that is a good value and this bottle retails for about $33.00.
Here is a picture of the lasagna. After making the lasagna, my husband and I both came up with a few tweaks. I used the striped purple and white Italian eggplant which is a milder eggplant than the typical large purple eggplant. The original recipe called for the sauce to be on the bottom which is what we did but we think it might hold together better with the eggplant on the bottom.

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