
Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Labeling and Waxing Our Bottled Wines

Usually, January is the time of the year that we take a break from vineyard work. We are still taking a break from vineyard work, but this year, we are in our industrial space aka our winery and labeling and waxing the tops of our bottled wine. We had to familiarize ourselves with our Mori labeler which we haven't used since 2017. We used our 2017 labels to label some of our older vintages that didn't have labels and it worked fine!
The problem came when we switched over to our new labels. The backing on the new labels was not see through as our original labels and labels were all going onto one bottle!
My husband called Michael at Spec Trellising, where we purchased the Mori labeler and Michael got back to us with suggestions to try. The solution was to adjust the sensor so that the new brown backing could be recognized.
We were back in business! My husband finished labeling our 2019 vintage while I was learning how to put wax on the tops of the bottles. Fortunately, we had our 2017 vintage to test my waxing skills (or lack thereof), but after 200 tries, my husband said I was ready for prime time. One thing about the wax is that it does take about an hour and a half to fully melt so waxing the tops of the bottles commenced on Monday. Since my husband finished all the labeling, he was also waxing and by the end of the first day, we were in full swing and finished waxing our Auxerrois. Pleased with the labeling and waxing of the Auxerrois, we called it a day!

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