
Friday, August 18, 2023

Vintage 2023: August Update

It is already the middle of August and I have only posted one blog! We have been busy trying to get the vineyard in shape and we have had great help throughout July and August when our granddaughter came to give us a hand. She helped us with every aspect of what we were doing in July, shoot tucking, bringing the netting away from the tendrils and picking up hedging cuttings that went into the vineyard alley. Her favorite task in the vineyard was mowing!
With all of the work to do in the other parts of the vineyard, we were thankful that we had her help to mow the neglected vineyard alleys. My husband got out his weeder for the second time this year and beat down the weeds among the grape vines. Here is a picture showing before weeding on top and then after weeding on the bottom:
But now here we are, still shoot tucking so that we can set the netting at the proper level for deployment. Mother Nature is sending a lot of rain our way which keeps us out of the vineyard!

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