
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Vintage 2023: July Shoot Tucking Tasks

Happy Fourth of July!
We have finished shoot tucking, shoot thinning and cleaning our graft union to allow air flow into the growing canopy in the Auxerrois.
We also lowered the netting in the lowest slot on our linepost so that the growing vines do not entwine their tendrils into the netting. We have learned this lesson the hard way. Whenever we didn't have the time to put the netting on the lowest slot on the linepost, the tendrils entwine themselves into the netting making it very difficult to deploy the netting once veraison arrives. When we put the netting on the lowest slot, it is very easy to bring the netting up to the proper linepost slot and unfurl the netting to protect the ripening grapes.
Here is a photo of what we have done:
Now it is just a matter of doing this treatment for the rest of the vineyard.

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