
Monday, July 10, 2023

2019 Domaine Armand Heitz Saint-Romain Combe Bazin

We had our friends over for dinner and my husband made his speciality, ballontine chicken. I made wild rice and we were gifted with the best snow peas grown by our neighbors, which we tossed into a pot of boiling water for just a few minute and added a touch of butter. What more could a dinner want?
My husband brought out this 2019 Domaine Armand Heitz Saint-Romain Combe Bazin which surprised our palates. We really enjoyed this delicious white burgundy so more research on it was in order.
I found the Armand Armand Heitz Website where I learned about the history of the ownership of the land in Burgunday. Currently, they farm their land with environmental sustainability to create a harmonious and sustainable ecosystem. The pictures on their website is very picturesque and I found myself wanting to go there!

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