
Friday, June 2, 2023

Vintage 2023: June Doings

We spent the month of May taking care of the north end of our vineyard, disbudding and shoot thinning. The north end of our vineyard was remarkably spared from the mid-May frost event that hit us so we wanted to ensure that those vines were properly taken care of in a timely way.
Now we are at the south end of the vineyard. Here is a view from the south looking north:
The good thing is that my husband has already weeded the entire vineyard using the Fischer Twister that we purchased last year that arrived in June. My husband thought he could have weeded a little earlier, but the weeder still did an excellent job in beating down the weeds. In a month the weeds will probably grow and need weeding, but now we have the wherewithall to do it in only a few days!
The south end of our vineyard is where the frost hit the hardest and this is what it looks like:
The above photo shows what frost hit shoots look like in the Chardonnay. There are also some signs of life on some of the devasted shoots. Overall, the south end of the Chardonnay looks rather devoid of flowers.
It's a waiting game now to see what bloom and fruitset brings.

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