
Thursday, February 2, 2023

Vintage 2023: Ground Hog Day

It is Ground Hog Day, when Punxsutawney Phil is the weather forecaster. He is so famous he has his own Wikipedia page. Well, Punxsutawney Phil came out of his home on Gobbler's Knob and sniffed the cold air headed our way on Friday and Saturday and predicted another 6 weeks of cold weather.
This comes after an unusually warm January where temperatures have been above average for 35 days, making it a record stretch of warm weather in Connecticut.
This winter's La NiƱa, the third in a row, has helped fuel the milder than usual weather pattern. In Hartford, the average temperature for January was 36.7°F, nearly ten degrees above the typical January average of 27.1°F.
This warm temperature are good for people, but maybe not so good for grapevines that need to slowly acclimate to cold temperatures. A cold snap like we will have on Friday and Saturday may do damage to this year's buds.
I guess we cross our fingers and pray for the best.
1. Ryan Breton, Record stretch of warmer than average weather this January, January 30, 2023.

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