
Saturday, October 8, 2022

Update on the Brix and pH for Our Vineyard

We now have our Auxerrois and Chardonnay harvested, but it has now been 4 weeks since we last took our Brix, pH and titratable acid numbers for the remaining grape varieties that we grow. We were able to do this on October 6. Here is what we are currently seeing which will help us guide when and what we harvest next. From previous experience, we know that the next up is our Chenin Blanc. The numbers there look promising. Now all we need is for Mother Nature to provide us with some benevolent sunshine.
Variety Sample Date/
Harvest Date
Brix pH TA
Auxerrois September 15 19 3.02 12.2 g/L
Auxerrois Harvest September 25 20.0 3.16 7.1 g/L

Variety Sample Date/
Harvest Date
Brix pH TA
Chenin Blanc 982 September 16 18.8 2.82 13.80 g/L
Chenin Blanc 982 October 6 20.8 2.95 11.7 g/L
Chenin Blanc FPS-1 September 16 18 2.79 10.3 g/L
Chenin Blanc FPS-1 October 6 20.2 2.90 8.0 g/L

Variety Sample Date/
Harvest Date
Brix pH TA
Chardonnay September 15 20.6 2.88 12.1 g/L
Chardonnay Harvest October 2 22.5 3.1-3.2 7-9 g/L

Variety Sample Date/
Harvest Date
Brix pH TA
Cabernet Sauvignon September 16 18 2.80 12.8 g/L
Cabernet Sauvignon October 6 20.0 2.90 11.1 g/L

Variety Sample Date/
Harvest Date
Brix pH TA
Cabernet Franc September 16 18.6 2.85 12.3 g/L
Cabernet Franc October 6 20.8 2.95 8.4 g/L

Variety Sample Date/
Harvest Date
Brix pH TA
Barbera September 18 18.6 2.64 17.2 g/L
Barbera October 6 21.0 2.72 11.0 g/L

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