
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

2022 Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, and Barbera Harvest

Not even a week after our 2022 Chenin Blanc Harvest we were back in the vineyard, harvesting our Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Barbera. How did this happen, you ask? Mother Nature was dealing rain on Sunday and Monday and Jonathan Edwards was going to harvest his Cabernet Franc on Friday. Originally, the plan was to harvest on Sunday but things can change on a dime. We were able to around up a crew on very short notice and we had around 16 people willing to come early and harvest. It was a beautiful fall day, net lifting began around 7:30 and harvest began around 8:30.
The first grapes, two rows of Cabernet Sauvignon was brought in and filled two bins. The bins were loaded onto trucks to make the trip to Jonathan Edwards winery.
Meanwhile, the crew continued to harvest the Cabernet Franc and the Barbera. The filled lugs of Cabernet Franc were picked up and the Barbera was done before noon! Simply amazing! The crew took a break for lunch and we picked up the Barbera and put the grapes into the lugs for transport to the winery.
Due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, we were not able to get the weight of the grapes, we hope to back calculate from the number of gallons to have an approximation of the weight.
Here are the statistics with a little historical context for our Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc with the first entry for the Barbera.
Variety Harvest Date Brix pH TA Lbs Gals
Cabernet Sauvignon
November 3, 2019 19 3.25 11.1 g/L 332 30
October 22, 2020 22.4 3.08 10.7 g/L 888 80
October 24, 2021 20.1 3.07 10.4 g/L 561 45
October 21, 2022 21.0 3.26
- g/L
1300 104
Cabernet Franc
October 26, 2019 23 3.23 11.3 g/L 377 32
October 22, 2020 23.3 3.27 11.3 g/L 872 80
October 24, 2021 19.8 3.20 7.4 g/L 402 32
October 21, 2022 22.0 3.27
- g/L
1200 96
October 21, 2022 22.5 3.00
- g/L
600 48
Once again, we owe a debt of gratitude to all the people who came on such short notice to help us bring in our red grapes. We also want to thank the crew at Jonathan Edwards for their help in our 2022 harvest!

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