
Wednesday, September 28, 2022

2022 Auxerrois Harvest

Our first harvest of this year, our Auxerrois was held on Sunday, September 25. We had 11 friends who came to lend us a hand and in 5 hours our friends harvested the entire crop. The crop fit into 126 yellow lugs which were stacked on 4 palettes. The palettes were taken over to Jonathan Edwards Winery where the harvested grapes spent an uneventful evening while at midnight, a thunder and lightning storm rolled through our region.
We took the numbers for the harvest and it was the best so far! Here is the information from 2019 - 2022:
Variety Harvest Date Brix pH TA Lbs Gals
September 23, 2019 19.6 3.23 7.35 g/L 636 50
September 17, 2020 19.0 3.07 7.5 g/L 1670 133
September 28, 2021 18.0 3.25 7.5 g/L 1638 130
September 25, 2022 20.0 3.16 7.1 g/L 3097 248
On Monday, September 26, the harvest was pressed as whole clusters and the juice ended up in four 75-gallon stainless steel barrels to cold settle. The next few days will see us racking the juice and inoculating it.

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