
Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Product Review: Netting Anchor Clips

I have never written a product comparison review before. There is always a first time. I wanted to share our experiences so that if you find yourself in the market for netting anchor clips, you can choose wisely. The first time that we put up our side netting in 2017, I wrote about How Long Does It Take to Net. In that blogpost, I showed the anchor clips that we purchased to hold our netting, it was black and did the job. Now, in 2022, we have three different types of anchor clips in our vineyard and this is what they look like:
A few years later, we put up more netting as the vines grew and produced fruit and at that time, we purchased anchor clip 2, the one in the middle. We liked that clip because it didn't have the spikes on the bottom that the black anchor clip has which can catch on the netting and make it a bit difficult to unroll. Last year, when we purchased the last of the anchor clips for the 3 rows of vines that now needed netting, we were sent anchor clip 3. Initially, it was very easy to slip the netting into anchor clip 3, but was is easy to slip in is easy to slip out.
Throughout the very windy winter and spring, anchor clip 3 did the following:
The netting slips off very easily from anchor clip 3 and then the nets go everywhere! It takes quite a bit of time to rehook the netting at a time when other tasks are claiming out attention. We are thinking that we need to change the anchor clips so that we won't have this problem next year. Sigh....

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