
Sunday, May 1, 2022

Vintage 2022: It's May!

On Friday, April 29, the last of the pruning duties were done and the last row of canes were laid down in preparation for this vintage.
We were working on the Chenin Blanc and trying to be extra careful because the buds were at budswell and at the ends of the canes we were seeing budbreak This was more apparent at the north end of the vineyard than at the south end.
We took a look at the status of all of our varieties at both the north end of the vineyard and the south end of the vineyard. Here are what our varieites looked like on April 29:
April 29 status
Chenin Blanc
Cabernet Sauvignon
Cabernet Franc
All of the varieties with the exception of the Cabernet Sauvignon is at budswell. The Barbera is early to budbreak but is the last variety that we harvest.

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