
Friday, May 13, 2022

Vintage 2022: Annual Cycle of Growth - Budbreak

It's that time of the year to begin filling out the annual cycle of growth chart. We have been doing that since our first harvest in 2015. It is a good chart to have to compare how the vintage went with other years.
The dates in the chart is a reasonable approximation, the important thing is the order in which the event occurred. For this year, we were surprised to see that the Chenin was ahead of the Chardonnay. The Barbera is also on par with the Chenin and Chardonnay in terms of budbreak. The Cabernet Franc and Auxerrois are not far behind and the Cabernet Sauvignon is always the last to budbreak.
April 29 status
May 6 status
Chenin Blanc
Cabernet Sauvignon
Cabernet Franc

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