
Monday, March 14, 2022

Vintage 2022: March Update

We have been in the vineyard since mid-February with pre-pruning duties which involves cutting the wire that holds down last year's fruiting canes, taking in the Agfast and cutting the top of last year's shoots which are now canes. So far, March has brought us some very nice spring-like weather interspersed with reminders that it can still feel like winter. We did escape two snow related forecasts the first on March 9 which was supposed to bring 2-4 inches of snow and the second this past weekend which was supposed to bring a mixture of rain, freezing rain and snow.
Since there was no snow we were able to get back into the vineyard on March 10 and resume our work. However, this past weekend was not as productive for us because it was really windy and cold.
Pre-pruning work will continue today and hopefully we will be done with all of the 36 rows before April comes along!

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