
Monday, March 28, 2022

Beneficial Insects in Our Vineyard

I am back to reading the online article, Manage Insects on Your Farm. On pages 50-53 of the article are pictures of insect predators and parasitoids which is a very good first start to what you might see in your vineyard.
When we first began farming our vineyard, we were rather clueless as to what the beneficial insects and parasitoids are but we slowly got the hang of who are the good bugs and who are the bad bugs. We also realized that we needed to know some of the lifecycles of these good and bad bugs so that we knew the appropriate action to take when faced with them.
Here is a lineup of some of the beneficial insects that we've seen in and around our vineyard.
Beneficial Insects
Praying Mantis
Praying Mantis
Spined Soldier Beetle
Spined Soldier Beetle
Thread Waist Wasp
Anchor Bug
14-Spotted Ladybird Beetle
Black Headed Blue Skimmer Dragonfly
Common Whitetail Dragonfly
We are very happy to have these predators in our vineyard, our IPM patrol!
1. Miguel A. Altieri, Clara I. Nicholls with Marlene A. Fritz, Manage Insects on Your Farm, Published by Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), College Park, MD.

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