
Saturday, February 5, 2022

Vintage 2022: February Update

This February update begins on Friday, January 28, 2022 when we were bracing for a snowstorm headed our way in the evening. Here is what the forecast looked like:
In addition to a heavy snowfall, we were in for gale force winds, a double whammy. We were so fortunate to receive snowfall that was at the lower end of the forecast and luckier still when we were able to avoid power outages. The snow began during the evening hours on January 28 and continued throughout the day on Saturday, January 29. Along the shoreline, we probably received a total of approximately 16 inches of snow.
The only creature stirring was this one photo that our hunter's trail camera took of a very healthy looking wolf up at the vineyard.
On Ground Hog Day, the news was 6 more weeks of winter. February 4 brought a lot of rain which pretty much washed away the snow that we received at the end of January and didn't turn into a freezing rain and icy mix that was predicted.
The forecast for the following week includes temperatures in the 40's so it is back to the vineyard for us. Another year of pruning to be done before the season begins!

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