
Thursday, January 6, 2022

Projecting a 5 Year Harvest---2022

In February 2021, I wrote two blogposts called Projecting a 5 Year Harvest---Part 1 and Projecting a 5 Year Harvest---Part 2. In the Projecting a 5 Year Harvest---Part 2 blogpost I projected what our 2021 weight and volume would be based on the number of vines that were maturing and potentially producing fruit. Now I can put in actual values!
Variety 2019
Projected    Actual
Auxerrois 636 50 1670 120 1818
1638 130 2535
Chenin Blanc 3930 280 8201 655 15,455
6200 496 15,455
Chardonnay 291 26 1136 75 2835
2625 210 2835
Cabernet Sauvignon 332 25 888 70 1418
561 45 1418
Cabernet Franc 377 30 872 70 1418
402 32 1418
Barbera 110 9 250
60 5 500
The above table clearly shows that our 2021 Vintage did not meet our projections and also was not as fruitful as our 2020 vintage with the exception of the Chardonnay. I've included the projections for 2022 and crossing our fingers we can achieve that goal this year!

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